The C++ framework for developing highly scalable, high performance servers on Windows platforms.

Win32 I/O Completion Ports
[Win32 Tools Library]

Collaboration diagram for Win32 I/O Completion Ports:


class  CIOCompletionPort
 A simple wrapper around the I/O Completion Port API. I/O completion ports are, essentially, thread safe queues that can control how many threads are allowed to run and process items on the queue in a way that simply isn't possible if you stay entirely in "user mode". The queue keeps the threads that are waiting in fifo order to minimise memory paging and can limit the number of 'runable'threads that it releases. See here and here for more details. More...
class  CIOCPWorkerThread
 A thread that services completion packets from an I/O completion port. More...
class  COverlappedWithEvent
 A class that wraps an OVERLAPPED structure that uses an event. More...
class  CThreadPool
 A thread pool which can expand and contract (i.e. change the number of pooled threads) based on the work load. The pool has minimum and maximum sizes and a dispatch timeout. If dispatching a work item to a worker thread takes longer than the timeout then the pool is enlarged by one thread. There is also a maximum number of "dormant" threads, that is threads that are not working and when this number is reached worker threads are removed from the pool. The thread pool uses two I/O completion ports to do its work. Work items are dispatched to the dispatch port and are processed by the maintenance thread which dispatches the work items to the work port where the worker threads are waiting. This two layer dispatching means that dispatching from user code is fast but the pool can adjust its size depending on how long it takes for a worker thread to pick up a work item. Work items only ever queue on the dispatch port, the work port will only ever have a single work item on it at a time. More...
class  CThreadPool::WorkerThread
 A worker thread for the CThreadPool. The user work is done by an instance of IThreadPoolWorkerThread which is created by the supplied factory in the worker thread's constructor and destroyed in the destructor. More...
class  CThreadPoolEx::WorkerThread
 A worker thread for the CThreadPoolEx. The user work is done by an instance of IThreadPoolExWorkerThread which is created by the supplied factory in the worker thread's constructor and destroyed in the destructor. More...

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