
Recent release notifications

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Recent releases and 8.0 beta

As you’ll see, we released 3 new versions of The Server Framework today. Of these, only the 7.3 release includes code changes. The 7.2 release updates almost every header file in the framework to remove ‘old style’ include guards and touches lots of source files to remove lint directives that we no longer use. This kind of change creates a lot of noise in an update and so it has been done separately to the functional changes to make it easier for users of the framework to see what has actually been changed in 7.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 7.3

Version 7.3 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes bug fixes and new code. As always, see the release notes here, for full details of all changes. Bug fixes: Fixed a bug with JetByteTools::Core::CCallbackTimerWheel which would show up if the time provider was providing ticks at a different granularity than the granularity of the wheel. Fixed a bug in CDatagramSocketConnectionManager and CDatagramSocketServer where the buffers returned in write and sendTo completion callbacks had an incorrect number of bytes set as ‘used’.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 7.2

Version 7.2 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes no bug fixes and no new code. It adds support for Visual Studio 2022 and removes redundant manual include guards from most header files and removes unused “lint” directives from some of the older files. As such this release just serves as a stepping stone to the 7.3 release and makes it easier to see the changes that are made in the 7.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 7.1

Version 7.1 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes no bug fixes but begins to apply transformations that will allow code to compile on different platforms. The next release, 7.2, will add in functional changes and bug fixes. If you haven’t yet migrated to 7.x, please see the 7.0 release notes. There will be no more releases of the 6.9.x release stream. As always, see the release notes here, for full details of all changes.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 7.0

Version 7.0 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes no functional changes or bug fixes but moves code that could compile on different platforms out of the Win32Tools library and into a new CoreTools library. It also updates all include paths to use / rather than \ as / is valid on Unix-based systems and also on Windows. The next release, 7.1, will begin to move the code towards cross platform compilation and the release after that will add in functional changes and bug fixes.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 6.9.5

Version 6.9.5 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes changes to support Visual Studio 2019 (16.5 - 16.9), some new functionality and a bug fixes. As always, see the release notes here, for full details of all changes. Bug fixes: Bug fix in JetByteTools::SChannel::CServerContext::ContinueHandshake() so that we return HandshakeFatalError and set the last status correctly on failure rather than throwing an exception. This allows us to correctly report, or not, the issue to the other side.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 6.9.4

Version 6.9.4 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes changes to support Visual Studio 2019 (16.4), some new functionality and a bug fix to our OpenSSL ALPN handling code. As always, see the release notes here, for full details of all changes. Bug fixes: Bug fix to JetByteTools::OpenSSL::CAsyncConnector. We were dealing with ALPN callbacks incorrectly and this could cause an access violation. Changes: Added a debug log message to alert you to the fact that a JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileLog instance has had OnPendingWriteLimit() called.

Latest release of The Server Framework: 6.9.3

Version 6.9.3 of The Server Framework was released today. This release includes changes to support Visual Studio 2019 (16.3), lots of code changes to migrate towards “modern C++” idioms, issues raised by Resharper++ and changes in include path separators and file name case to support compilation on Linux. We have also removed some code that was previously deprecated and dropped support for Visual Studio 2013. There are no bug fixes or intentional functionality changes to this release but a LOT of files have been touched; we decided to put this release out so that functionality and bug fix changes can be more easily seen going forwards.