Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- AbandonedWaitHandling
: CMutex
- Abort()
: CDatabaseConnection::Transaction
, CHTTPMemoryResourceData
, CAsynchronousFileBackedH264InterleavedTCPRTPStream
, IRTPStream
, IRTSPSession
, CAsynchronousFileBackedH264RTPStream
, CLiveH264InterleavedTCPRTPStream
, CLiveH264RTPStream
, CHTTPResource
, CAsynchronousFileBackedH264UDPRTPStream
, CLiveH264UDPRTPStream
, CNullRTPStream
, CHLSLiveResource
, CRTPBroadcastPacketCache
, CRTPPacketStream
, CHTTPFileResourceData
, IHTTPResource
, CHLSMemoryCacheResourceData
, CRTSPConnection
, CRTSPSession
, IInterleavedRTPTCPStream
, IHTTPResourceData
, CInterleavedTCPRTPStream
, IRTPPacketStream
- AbortActiveSessions()
: CRTSPConnection
, CRTSPServer
- AbortAllConnections()
: ICreateFilteredStreamSocketConnections
, ICreateStreamSocketConnections
, CConnectionMaintainingStreamSocketConnectionFilter
, TConnectionManagerBase
- AbortConnection()
: IAsyncSocket
, IDatagramSendSocket
, IICEConnection
, TAsyncSocket
, IWebSocket
, TWebSocketBase
- AbortConnectionIfManagedBy()
: IPoolableSocket
, TAsyncSocket
- Aborted()
: CHTTPResource
- AbortiveClose()
: CSocket
- AbortMyConnections()
: IAllocatePoolableSockets
, CSocketAllocator
, TSocketAllocator
- AboutToConnect()
: IDatagramSocketEx
, IStreamSocketEx
, TAsyncSocket
- Accept()
: CAsyncConnector
, CUDPAsyncConnector
- AcceptControls()
: IReportServiceStatus
, CServiceStatus
- Accepted()
: IDatagramServerSocketEx
, IDatagramSocketEx
, IStreamSocketEx
, TAsyncSocket
- AcceptEx()
: CUsesMSWinSockExtensions
- AcceptFrame()
: IProcessRTPFrames
, CRTPFrameProcessor
, CH264FrameProcessor
, IProcessPayloadFrames
- AcceptHandshake()
: CAutoDetectProtocolHandler
, CProtocolHandler
- AcceptingConnections
: IServerControl
, TDatagramSocketServer
- AcceptOffer()
: CICEControlledDTLSConnection
, IICEConnection
, IICEControlledDTLSConnection
- AcceptResponse()
: CICEControlledDTLSConnection
, IICEConnection
, IICEControlledDTLSConnection
- AccessCommandData()
: CActivatableObject::IProcessQueuedCommand
, CActivatableObject::QueuedCommands
, CActivatableObject::CommandWrapper
, CActivatableObject::CommandWrapperEx
- AccessMode
: CMemoryMappedFile
- AccessPerformanceCounter32()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AccessPerformanceCounter64()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AccessValue()
: TAtomic
- accountName
: CServiceConfigData
- Accumulate()
: CAccumulationBuffer
- AccumulateCompleteMessage
: CProtocolHandler
- AccumulationPolicyMask
: CProtocolHandler
- ActionOnListFull
: CFlowControlListProcessor
- Active()
: TDynamicObjectTracker
- Add()
: CActivatableObject::CommandData
, TAddressOrderedMultiLock
, TAtomic
, TAtomicLong
, CNamedIndex
, TAtomic
, CWaitableCounter
, TAtomicOperations
, TAtomicOperations< __int64 >
, TAtomicOperations< long >
, TAtomicOperations< unsigned long >
, CHTTPHeaders
, CBufferChain
, CBufferChainStoresNulls
, CBufferProcessor
, CBufferRingBuffer
, IBufferChain
, CSequencedBufferCollection
, CSortedBufferChain
, CTimeStamp
, CHeaders
, CMultipleFileDeleter
, TRegistryList
- add()
: Runner
- AddAcceptHeader()
: CRequestHeaders
- AddAlternativeContext()
: CContext
- AddArgument()
: CCommandLine
- AddAsMuchAsPossible()
: CBuffer
, CBufferFacadeOnRawMemory
, CBufferHandle
, IBufferBase
- AddAttribute()
: CXMLElement
- AddBuffer()
: CAccumulationBuffer
- AddBufferToPool()
: IAddBuffersToPool
, CNullBufferPool
, TAsyncSocket
, TWebSocketBase
, TBufferPool
- AddCandidatePairForConnection()
: IICEConnectionManagerCallback
- AddCertificate()
: CInMemoryCertificateStore
, CSystemCertificateStore
- AddConnection()
: IICEConnectionManagerCallback
, CStreamSocketConnectionCollection
, CStreamSocketNamedConnectionCollection
- AddConnectionFilter()
: TDatagramFilteringHelper
, CFilteringStreamSocketConnectionManagerBase
, IAcceptDatagramSocketConnectionFilters
, IAcceptStreamSocketConnectionFilters
- AddCounter()
: CPerformanceDataSchema::Object
- AddData()
: CRingBuffer
, CBuffer
, CBufferChain
, CBufferFacadeOnRawMemory
, CBufferHandle
, IBufferBase
, CAccumulationBuffer
, CH264StreamParser
, CH264StreamReader
, CHLSH264LiveResource
, CHLSLiveResource
, IAcceptStreamData
, CRTSPH264LiveResource
- AddDays()
: CSystemTime
- AddElement()
: CXMLDocument
, CXMLElement
- addFailure()
: TestResult
- AddFailureAction()
: CServiceConfigData
- AddHeaderToAllFiles
: ILogMessagesWithFixedFileHeader
- AddHeaderToNewFiles
: ILogMessagesWithFixedFileHeader
- AddHistory()
: CBufferHistory
- AddLinkedPerSecondCounter()
: CPerformanceDataSchema::Object
- AddLog()
: CAllFrameworkDebugLogs
, CFrameworkDebugLogsConfigurationCallback
- AddMilliseconds()
: CTimeStamp
- AddMonths()
: CSystemTime
- AddObject()
: CPerformanceDataSchema
- AddObjectWithInstances()
: CPerformanceDataSchema
- AddOriginHeaders()
: CRequestHeaders
- AddOrUpdate()
: TRegistryList
- AddProperty()
: CDatabaseConnection
- AddProtocols()
: CApplicationProtocolSelection
- AddRange()
: TMultipleRangeReusableIdManagerBase::InitialRanges
- AddRef()
: CCLREventSink
, CHostAssemblyManager
, CHostControl
, CHostPolicyManager
, CActivatableObject::CommandProcessorCallback
, IQueueTimers::RefCountedTimer
, TReferenceCounted
, TReferenceCountedSmartPointer
, IODBCConnection
, IODBCEnvironment
, IODBCStatement
, CODBCConnection
, CODBCEnvironment
, CODBCStatement
, CHTTPFileResourceData
, CHTTPMemoryResourceData
, CHTTPResource
, IHTTPResource
, IHTTPResourceData
, CBuffer
, CBufferFacadeOnRawMemory
, CBufferHandle
, IRefCountedHandler
, CICEControlledDTLSConnection
, CAddressImpl
, IAddressRef
, IAsyncSocket
, IDatagramSendSocket
, IICEConnection
, IICEConnectionCallback
, IICEControlledDTLSConnection
, IICEControlledDTLSConnectionCallback
, IWritableAddressRef
, TAsyncSocket
, CAsynchronousFileBackedH264RTPStream
, CHLSLiveResource
, CHLSMemoryCacheResourceData
, IAcceptLiveVideoData
, IInterleavedRTPTCPStream
, IManagePacketStreamLifetime
, IRTPStreamRefCount
, IRTSPResource
, IRTSPSession
, CLiveH264RTPStream
, CMemoryCacheStreamDataFile
, CNullRTPStream
, CRTSPConnection
, CRTSPH264FileResource
, CRTSPH264LiveResource
, CRTSPMP3FileResource
, CRTSPMultipleFileResource
, CRTSPSession
, CProtocolHandler
, IWebSocket
, TWebSocketBase
- AddRefIfPossible()
: IPoolableSocket
, TAsyncSocket
- AddRequiredModule()
: CMiniDumper
- AddResource()
: CHTTPResource
, CHTTPResourceManager
, CRTSPMultipleFileResource
, CRTSPResourceManager
- Address
: CAddressIPv4
- AddServer()
: CNamedServerCollection
, CServerCollection
- AddService()
: CServiceManagerBase
- AddStream()
: IRTSPSession
, CRTSPSession
- AddSubSystem()
: CDebugLogBase
- AddSupportedLanguage()
: CPerformanceDataSchema
, CPerformanceDataSchema::Object
- AddSupportedLanguageToLastCounterAdded()
: CPerformanceDataSchema::Object
- AddSupportedVersion()
: CProtocolHandlerFactory
- AddSwitch()
: CCommandLine
- AddThreadNameListener()
: CThreadBase
- AddThreadStartListener()
: CThreadBase
- AddThreadStopListener()
: CThreadBase
- AddToFront()
: CBufferChain
, CBufferChainStoresNulls
, IUnsortedBufferChain
- AddToPerformanceCounter32()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AddToPerformanceCounter64()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AddWatch()
: CDirectoryChangeMonitor
- AddWork()
: IWritableRingBufferWorkQueue
, CThreadSafeRingBufferWorkQueue
, CThreadSafeWorkQueue
- AddWorkEx()
: IWritableRingBufferWorkQueue
, CThreadSafeRingBufferWorkQueue
- AddYears()
: CSystemTime
- AdvanceState()
: IReportServiceStatus
, CServiceStatus
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
- AES128_CM_SHA1_32
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
- AES128_CM_SHA1_80
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
- AES128_F8_SHA1_32
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
- AES128_F8_SHA1_80
: IProvideSRTPKeyingMaterial
- AlignmentBitsMask
: CSimpleFixedSizedMemoryAllocator
- AlignOnPageSize
: CSimpleFixedSizedMemoryAllocator
- All
: CDebugLog
, IConfigurableDebugLog
- all()
: Features
- All
: CDebugLog
- AllAccess
: CSemaphore
- Allocate()
: TReusableIdManager
, IAllocateFixedSizedMemory
, IAllocateMemory
, TThreadSafeReusableIdManager
, CBufferAllocator
, CBufferBasedBufferAllocator
, CBufferHandleAllocator
, TBufferPool
, IAllocateBuffer
, IAllocateBufferHandles
, IAllocateBuffers
, IPoolBuffers
, CNullBufferPool
, CCounterStorageAllocator
, IAllocateCounterStorage
, CFilterDataBase
, TAsyncSocket
, CAutoDetectProtocolHandlerAllocator
, IProtocolHandlerAllocator
, CProtocolHandlerAllocator
, TWebSocketBase
, CCustomPoolBufferAllocator
, CSimpleFixedSizedMemoryAllocator
, CProtocolHandlerAllocator
, CNullBufferPool
, IManageBufferLifeCycle
- AllocateBuffer()
: IManageBufferHandleLifeCycle
, TConnectionManagerBase
, IDatagramServerSocketConnectionManager
, IDatagramSocketConnectionManager
, IStreamSocketConnectionManager
, IDatagramServerSocketConnectionManager
- AllocateBuffers()
: CBufferAllocator
, CBufferBasedBufferAllocator
, IAllocateBuffers
- AllocateBuffersForBytes()
: CBufferAllocator
, CBufferBasedBufferAllocator
, IAllocateBuffers
- AllocateChildObjectInstance()
: IPerformanceDataBlock
, CPerformanceDataBlock
, IPerformanceDataBlock
- AllocateChildPerformanceObjectInstance()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AllocateCustomSizedBuffer()
: TWebSocketBase
, CBuffer
, CBufferAllocator
, CBufferBasedBufferAllocator
, CBufferFacadeOnRawMemory
, CBufferHandle
, CBufferHandleAllocator
, TBufferPool
, CCustomPoolBufferAllocator
, IAllocateBuffer
, IAllocateBuffers
, IPoolBuffers
, CNullBufferPool
, TConnectionManagerBase
, CFilterDataBase
, IDatagramServerSocketConnectionManager
, IDatagramSocketConnectionManager
, IStreamSocketConnectionManager
, TAsyncSocket
, TWebSocketBase
, CNullBufferPool
, IManageBufferLifeCycle
, TBufferPool
- Allocated()
: TDynamicObjectTracker
- AllocateDefaultUserDataIndices()
: IAllocateBuffers
- AllocateHandle()
: CBufferHandleAllocator
, IAllocateBufferHandles
- AllocateInstances()
: IAllocateCounterStorage
, CCounterStorageAllocator
- AllocateNewBuffer()
: CBufferFacadeOnRawMemory
, CBufferHandle
, CBuffer
- AllocateObjectInstance()
: CPerformanceDataBlock
, IPerformanceDataBlock
, CPerformanceDataBlock
, IPerformanceDataBlock
- AllocatePerformanceDataBlock()
: CHeapMemoryPerformanceDataBlockFactory
, TSharedMemoryPerformanceDataBlockFactory
, IPerformanceDataBlockFactory
- AllocatePerformanceObjectInstance()
: CPerformanceMonitorCountersBase
- AllocatePoolableSocket()
: CSocketAllocator
- AllocateSocket()
: TStreamSocketConnectionManager
, TDatagramSocketConnectionManager
, CDatagramSocketAllocator
, IAllocateStreamSockets
, CDatagramServerSocketAllocator
, IAllocateDatagramServerSockets
, IAllocateDatagramSockets
, CStreamSocketAllocator
, TDatagramSocketServer
, CSequencedStreamSocketAllocator
- AllocateSSRC()
: CRandomSSRCAllocator
, IAllocateSSRCs
- AllocationDisposition
: IPerformanceDataBlock
- AllocationFlags
: CBufferAllocator
, CSimpleFixedSizedMemoryAllocator
- AllocationTuningParameters()
: CSimpleFixedSizedMemoryAllocator::AllocationTuningParameters
- AllocatorBitsMask
: CBufferAllocator
- allowComments_
: Features
- AllowDispatch()
: CDispatchRestrictor::AllowDispatch
- AllowDispatchForThisSocket()
: CDispatchRestrictor::AllowDispatchForThisSocket
- AllowOperationProcessingTransfer()
: IDatagramServerSocketEx
, IStreamSocketEx
, TAsyncSocket
, IDatagramSocketEx
- AllowProcessingTransfer()
: CBufferProcessor
, IBufferProcessor
- AllowRecursiveProcessing
: CActivatableObject
- AllowRenegotiate()
: CContext
- AllowRenegotiation()
: CAsyncConnector
- AllowShared
: CTempDirectory
- AlreadyConnected
: CProtocolHandler
- Always
: IConfigurableDebugLog
- ApartmentType
: CUsesCOM
- append()
: Value
- ApplicationReadCompleted()
: CFilterDataBase
- Apply()
: CSystemTime::DateDifference
, CSystemTime::TimeDifference
- ApplyControlToken()
: CClientContext
, CServerContext
- ArrayIndex
: Value
- asBool()
: Value
- asCString()
: Value
- asDouble()
: Value
- asFloat()
: Value
- asInt()
: Value
- asInt64()
: Value
- asLargestInt()
: Value
- asLargestUInt()
: Value
- AsRTPTimeStamp()
: CTimeStamp
- Assign()
: TConditionalSmartPointer
- AssignProcessToJob()
: CJob
, IAssignProcessesToJobs
- AssociateDevice()
: CIOCompletionPort
, TConnectionManagerBase
, CIOPoolBase
, IIOPool
- AssociateDeviceWithIOSubSystem()
: IIOPool
, IAssociateDeviceWithIOSubSystem
- AsSockAddr()
: CAddressWrapper
, CAddressIPv6
, CFullAddress
, CAddress
, CAddressInfo::Iterator
, CAddressImpl
, CFullAddressWrapper
, IAddress
, CAddressIPv4
, CNetworkInterfaceAddresses::Iterator
- AsString()
: CRegistryKey::Value
, CCallStack
, CAddressRenderer
- asString()
: Value
- AsString()
: CRegistryKey::ValueIteratorImpl
- asString()
: Value
- AsString()
: CAddressRenderer
- asString()
: Value
- AsString()
: CAddressRenderer
, IRenderAddresses
- AsStringA()
: CAddressRenderer
- asUInt()
: Value
- asUInt64()
: Value
- AsyncConnect()
: ICreateStreamSocketConnections
, CConnectionMaintainingStreamSocketConnectionFilter
, ICreateFilteredStreamSocketConnections
, TStreamSocketConnectionManager
- AsyncConnectAvailable()
: TStreamSocketConnectionManager
, ICreateFilteredStreamSocketConnections
, ICreateStreamSocketConnections
, CConnectionMaintainingStreamSocketConnectionFilter
- AsyncConnectNoThrow()
: CConnectionMaintainingStreamSocketConnectionFilter
, ICreateFilteredStreamSocketConnections
, TStreamSocketConnectionManager
, ICreateStreamSocketConnections
- AtoBSTR()
: CStringConverter
- AtoT()
: CStringConverter
- AtoUTF8()
: CStringConverter
- AtoW()
: CStringConverter
- Attach()
: IPoolableSocket
, CSmartHGlobal
, CBufferChain
, TReferenceCountedSmartPointer
, CSmartHandle
, CBufferChain
, CBufferChainStoresNulls
, TAsyncSocket
, CBufferHandle
, CBufferChainStoresNulls
, CSocket
, CSmartHandle
, CFileDeleter
- AttributeExists()
: CXMLElement
- AutoCloser()
: TWebSocketBase::AutoCloser
- AutomaticallyIssueNewReads
: CAsyncFileReader
- AutomaticallyReadWholeFile
: CAsyncFileReader
- AutoReset
: CEvent
- AutoStart
: ServiceTypes
- AutoWriteCountManager
: CWebSocket
- Available()
: CRateLimiter
- AvailableSpace()
: CBufferChainStoresNulls
, CBufferChain
, CBufferProcessor
, CSortedBufferChain
, IBufferChain